Delivering deployments

Deliverybot works by triggering deployments via GitHub api’s. To actually ship those deployments your code responds to the deployment event and reads the provided parameters and deploys your code off to wherever it needs to go.

+-------------+         +--------+         +----------------+        +-------------+
| Deliverybot |         | GitHub |         | GitHub Actions |        | Your Server |
+-------------+         +--------+         +----------------+        +-------------+
     |                      |                       |                     |
     |  Create Deployment   |                       |                     |
     |--------------------->|                       |                     |
     |                      |                       |                     |
     |  Deployment Created  |                       |                     |
     |<---------------------|                       |                     |
     |                      |                       |                     |
     |                      |   Deployment Event    |                     |
     |                      |---------------------->|                     |
     |                      |                       |     SSH+Deploys     |
     |                      |                       |-------------------->|
     |                      |                       |                     |
     |                      |   Deployment Status   |                     |
     |                      |<----------------------|                     |
     |                      |                       |                     |
     |                      |                       |   Deploy Completed  |
     |                      |                       |>--------------------|
     |                      |                       |                     |
     |                      |   Deployment Status   |                     |
     |                      |<----------------------|                     |
     |                      |                       |                     |

You can view the workflow in the diagram above. The part we’re filling out right now is the ‘GitHub Actions’ component. We’re stubbing the behaviour to execute a deployment and mark it with the correct status.

Below is the example action that we can copy into .github/workflows/deployment.yml which listens to a GitHub deployment event and then writes deployment status events depending on where the deployment ends up.

# .github/workflows/deployment.yml
name: Deployment

on: ['deployment']

    runs-on: 'ubuntu-latest'

    - name: 'deployment pending'
      uses: 'deliverybot/deployment-status@master'
        state: 'pending'
        token: '${{ github.token }}'

    - name: deploy
      run: |
        echo "environment - ${{ github.event.deployment.task }}"
        echo "payload - ${{ github.event.deployment.payload }}"

    - name: 'deployment success'
      if: success()
      uses: 'deliverybot/deployment-status@master'
        state: 'success'
        token: '${{ github.token }}'

    - name: 'deployment failure'
      if: failure()
      uses: 'deliverybot/deployment-status@master'
        state: 'failure'
        token: '${{ github.token }}'

Compatible integrations

Follow the guides in these integrations below for implementing real deployments.


Deploy on master »

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